Checkpoints serve the dual purpose of segmenting levels and providing players with a respawn point when they want to reset or they die.
How To Use Checkpoints:
Navigate to “Puzzle_Template” > “Prefabs”.
Drag and drop the “PT_Checkpoint” actor into the level.
Assign the "Checkpoint ID" variable the corresponding identifier of the checkpoint.
For example: assign the ID as follows: checkpoint 1 should have an ID of 0, checkpoint 2 an ID of 1, checkpoint 3 an ID of 2, and so forth.
Add actors to the “Actors To Unpower” array, this can be useful for example to close a door right when the player gets to the checkpoint.
Checkpoints Variables:
“Checkpoint ID” → The ID of the checkpoint, starting from 0.
“Actors to Unpower” → An array of actors that should get unpowered when activated.
“Clear Portals?” → If enabled, all portals will get removed when activated.
“Player Spawn Offset” → Controls the offset the player will have relative to the checkpoint when spawning.
“Player Spawn Yaw Offset” → Controls the Yaw rotation of the player when spawning.
“Snap Player to Ground?” → If enabled, the player will snap to the ground when spawning.
“Show Popup Text On Activation?” → If enabled, a popup text will show when activating the checkpoint.
“Popup Text” → This is the text that will show if “Show Popup Text On Activation?” is enabled.