The level geometry section has all the different shapes you need to create a map, and there are some special ones too.
These are all the simple meshes, like walls, floors, windows, and more, they are located in “Puzzle Template” > “Prefabs” > “Level Geometry”.
All these meshes use a special material that will blend between the Walls theme settings and the Floors theme settings. That material can be found in “Puzzle Template” > “Materials” > “PT_Grid_Walls_Floors_MI”.
The material is also world aligned, meaning you can scale these meshes and the material will not stretch.
Corner 1x4
Door Hole 8x8
Floor 4x4
Floor 8x8
Pillar 1x4
Pillar 1x8
Portal Floor 8x8
Portal Wall 4x8
Portal Wall 8x8
Wall 2x4
Wall 2x8
Wall 3x4
Wall 4x4
Wall 4x8
Wall 8x8
Wall 8x8 Glass A
Wall 8x8 Glass B
Wall 8x8 Glass C
Wall 8x8 Hole A
Wall 8x8 Hole B
Wall 8x8 Hole C
This allows you to add an angled portal wall to the level attached to a wall or a floor, connected with an arm.
You can adjust the “Arm Length” and the “Angle” from -45.0 to 45.0 degrees.
This one allows you to easily create stairs of how many steps you need, as you can control the “Steps Amount” variable and the steps will get generated procedurally.
An invisible collision plane is also created to make the player go up the stair smoothly.