A complete list of all the shared materials, decals, and material functions.
Material Functions:
“Clip_Plane_MF” → This material function is used as a mask in any mesh that is able to travel through a portal to cut the mesh and avoid it showing through the walls. In order for it to work, it needs to have 3 parameters: “Plane Position” (Vector), “Plane Normal” (Vector), and “Enable Clip Plane” (Scalar), these values will get changed by the “PT_Portable_C” component.
“World_Aligned_Texture_2D_MF” → A custom world-aligned node that allows Texture 2D Arrays as the input. It is used to easily change textures for the Walls and Floors based on the theme.
“World_Aligned_Normal_2D_MF” → Same functionality as the Texture one but will work with normals as well.
Outline Decal:
This decal material is used to outline interactables, it should be as big as the level so it contains every actor.
The color of this can be changed in the Theme.
Physical Materials:
“Laser_Receiver_PM” → This is used on materials like the “PT_Laser_Power_M” to easily check if the actor can receive a laser.
“Portal_PM” → This is only used on portals, and it is used primarily to check if a laser should go through a portal.
“Portal_Wall_PM” → This is used on all Portal Walls to detect if a portal can spawn on them.