Portals are the primary element of the puzzle template, they help make tricky puzzles that wouldn't work without them.

Portals can be placed with the “PT_Portals_Gun_AC” component by the Player by pressing Left Mouse Button to spawn Portal 1, and Right Mouse Button to spawn Portal 2, these are the default key mappings used in the demo, see Inputs for a guide on how to change them.

The Player and Grabbables have a “PT_Portable_C” component attached, this component is responsible of teleporting the actor when going through a portal, it handles collisions and the mesh clone. — Only the actors that have this component will be able to go through a portal.

Portals Gun Variables:

NOTES: The color of the portals can be changed in the Theme and the changes will also reflect on the portal gun dynamic crosshair.

Portals Features:

Portals Limitations: