List of the changes made to the Portals Puzzle Template.
Version 1.0:
Version 1.1:
- Reorganized actors in all three demo levels more efficiently in the world outliner. For example, grouped all lighting elements under a "Lighting" folder, effects under an "Effects" folder, and so on.
- Fixed an issue with the “PT_Player_Character_BP” in the Unreal Engine 5 versions of the pack where the player would bump down when dropping from a platform.
- Added a new Editor Utility Blueprint in the Unreal Engine 5 versions of the pack, it is called “PT_Add_Lighting_EUB” and it is located in “Puzzle_Template” > “Prefabs” > “Utilities”.
This tool is useful when creating a new level, as it creates all the required lighting actors with one click, see this Guide for more information.
- Fixed a rare issue in the Unreal Engine 5 versions of the pack where the player would get pushed slightly when entering a portal that is flat with the floor.
- Replaced the Atmospheric Fog actor with the Sky Atmosphere actor in all demo levels.
- Added a new Guide to the documentation that will guide you through setting up your own levels in the Portals Puzzle Template.
Version 1.2:
- Fixed a bug that caused Lasers to disappear when not hitting any geometry.
- Added 2 new variables to checkpoints: “Show Popup Text On Activation?” and “Popup Text”, more information about them here: Checkpoints